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Visit to ŠOSO “Milan Petrović” and first workshop in Novi Sad

Members of the “Enabled Theatre” Project Production Team, led by the East West Center Sarajevo director, Haris Pašović,  director of Drama of the Serbian National Theatre (SNP) Novi Sad, Milovan Filipović,  SNP Project Coordinator Dragana Kuzmanović,  the Festival “Grad Teatar” Budva Project Coordinator Aleksandra Maslovar and the actors of the Serbian National Theatre visited the School for Primary and Secondary Education (ŠOSO) “Milan Petrović” in Novi Sad on Monday, March 20, where the first Project workshop was held.

On the occasion, the Deputy Director of ŠOSO “Milan Petrović”, psychologist Svetlana Bašević, coordinator of the Day Care Centre and Work Centre, Jovan Marković, school psychologist Maja Kukobat and psychologist Boris Hemon, informed the representatives of the “Enabled Theatre” Project about the functioning and numerous activities of this institution.

By all accounts, it is evident that ŠOSO “Milan Petrović” is a unique institution in the region given that its employees are focused on providing an individualized approach to each beneficiary and that they are the only ones who provide education and social protection regardless of age and gender. This educational institution has over a thousand beneficiaries in its system and educates children from all over Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina. ŠOSO “Milan Petrović” consists of five organizational units and owns four day care facilities, where it undertakes educational and training activities for a very wide range of treatment of disabilities. They have numerous rehabilitation and educational facilities and workshops aimed at facilitating full social inclusion and independence of its students.

This respectable educational institution also fosters excellent cooperation with the Association for Supporting Persons with Intellectual Disabilities in the Sarajevo Canton “Oaza” as well as with the Centre for Children and Youth with Disabilities “Los Rosales” from Mostar.

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