First meeting of Project partners

The first working meeting of partners within the Project “Enabled Theatre”, co-funded by the European Union – Creative Europe Programme, was held in Sarajevo on August 31, 2022.

Together with the leading partner „East West Center“ from Sarajevo, the Project partners are “Grad Teatar” Budva – Montenegro, Serbian National Theatre Novi Sad – Serbia and Dance Centre “Tala” Zagreb – Croatia.

What should be emphasized is that the aforementioned organizations and institutions have cooperated with each other on various artistic projects in recent years, while this is the first regional project that brought together the preceding partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Serbia.

The press conference was an opportunity for presenting the Project idea and Project partners. Among other things, the conference participants were presented with Project objectives, matters related to management and coordination and deadlines for the implementation of activities. The signing of the Partnership Agreement by representatives of the institutions participating in the Project and establishment of the Project Board of Directors officialy marked the beginning of the first phase of the Project „Enabled Theatre“.

“Enabled Theatre” is the first regional art project that, through a two-way exchange, will involve artists, experts and people with developmental disabilities as well as their families. Research through certain forms of planned workshops, which will be held in the partner countries, will result in an artistic segment – a performance that will take place in all four countries.

The Project objective is to introduce the audience through artistic expression and bring them closer to the world of people with developmental disabilities and make them more visible in today’s time where it is imperative to be perfectly healthy, beautiful and successful, while the reality is much more complex.

“Society needs to be made aware because at the moment this awareness is not sufficiently developed in our country as we live in a world of Instagram and Photoshop and something I’d call health fascism, in which everyone wants to be fantastic, while the real world is much more complex and in that complex world there are people who are treated differently in society,” says Haris Pašović, president of the Project’s Board of Directors, director and Manager of the East West Center Sarajevo.


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